Corning NPI Staying in Compliance
 ID: STL REF Price: 149 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration: up to 13 hours E-Learning

Course Description

LANscape Solutions Refresher Training is available to NPI partners in order to maintain compliance. Structured cabling professionals have one year in which to complete the necessary number of modules.


  • It provides an overview of structured cabling concepts and components for local area networks wheter on-premise or across campus. Participants gain the most up-to-date knowledge of Corning products, their application, and the relevant optical fibre standards.
  • It provides the fundamental skills to install and test a passive communication network.
  • It serves as a key component to maintain compliance with Corning’s NPI membership programme
As a NPI Member you are requested to fulfill yearly membership requirements. To check your company specific requirements please get in touch with your local Corning sales representative.


Chapter 1 - Fibre Basics Chapter 6 - Fibre Measurement
Chapter 2 - Fibre Cables Chapter 7 - Fibre Troubleshooting
Chapter 3 - Fibre Termination    Chapter 8 - Copper Basics
Chapter 4 - Fibre Hardware Chapter 9 - Cable Constructions and 10GBASE-T
Chapter 5 - Fibre Standards Chapter 10 - Copper Systems & Standards

 To apply for a training please fill out the form below and select your desired date:

In order to register multiple participants for one training date, please refresh the page after each booking.